My Alarm Clock
"Puss! Puss! PUSSSYYYYYYYY!!!!"
I was awoken today in my cottage to a man's voice yelling Pussy. I don't think I have ever awoken out of a sleep and been out of bed and running on my feet as fast as I did this morning. I was in panic mode. I started running around just to find two cats outside my bedroom door and the old garderner at the bottom of the stairs yelling Pussy. I took me a bit to realize he was yelling at the cats and not me. He had accidently let them in while using the toilet in my cottage. I have to say that was a much more affective way of waking me up, then my alarm on my watch that I had sleeped through.
However, I must say now I never wanna wake up to an old Fries man yelling pussy, ever again! I mean it!
Thank you for this.
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